Technology Voucher Programme

The Technology Voucher Program (English: Technology Voucher Program, referred to as TVP) was launched in November 2016, with the aim of helping Hong Kong enterprises or institutions enhance overall productivity, improve service quality and conduct business transformation through technology applications. After years of various optimization measures, the Technology Voucher Programme(TVP) now provides 75% of the expenditure on technology systems for Hong Kong companies with substantial business, with a cumulative maximum of $600,000 .
The eligibility criteria have been relaxed as follows:
  • • Valid business registration or company incorporated in Hong Kong
  • • Proof of substantive operation
  • • Non-listed companies or government-funded institutions

Proof of substantive operation included:
  • • MPF Contribution Record
  • • Business contract, receipt and invoice
  • • Audit reports and tax bill, etc.
Since the Technology Voucher Program is not a start-up fund, it requires the company to have a certain operating foundation. Too little turnover, no employees or no relevant business experience may lead to the failure of the application.
3:1 pairing mode
The application time is as fast as 6 months
Funding amount up to HKD$ 600,000

Documents Required for Technology Voucher Programme(TVP)

  • • Business Registration Certificate (BR)
  • • MPF contribution records for the past three months (signature and stamp required)
  • • Annual Report (Natural Person Shareholders) (signature and stamp required)
  • • Copies of supporting documents for substantive business operations in Hong Kong that are related to the application (e.g. invoices/receipts or commercial contracts issued within the last three months)
  • • Copy of valid Hong Kong Identity Card or Passport of the person signing the application form on behalf of the applicant business
  • • Copy of valid Hong Kong identity card or passport of the person holding 30% or more ownership

Funding scope of TVP

  • • Purchase, lease or order custom-made equipment/hardware, software and technical services or solutions that are an integral part of the project.
  • • Purchase, lease or order custom-made equipment/hardware, software and technical services or solutions that are an integral part of the project.However, the cost of these equipment/hardware or software or services or solutions should not exceed 50% of the project cost
  • • Project audit (applicable only to projects with an approved funding amount exceeding HK$50,000), the audit fee is capped at HK$3,000

According to the Technology Voucher Programme, the following are supported projects to help enterprises increase productivity or improve process flow:

(Appointment & queuing system)
(Augmented Reality, AR)
(Big data & cloud analysis)
(Building information modeling, BIM)
(Computer-aided design, CAD)
(Clinic management)
(Document & mobile access)
(Inventory management)
(Procurement management)
(Enterprise Resource Planning, ERP)
(Fleet management)
(Intelligent robot)
(Location based service, LBS)
(Logistics management)
(Point of Sales, POS)
(Product management)
(Quick response management, QRM)
(Real-time manufacturing tracking)
(School management)
Related certified projects:
  • • Energy Management System (ISO50001)
  • • Environmental management system (ISO14001)
  • • Information Security Management System (ISO/IEC27001)
  • • Chinese medicine testing program
  • • Energy management system
  • • Waste management technology

Procedures for Applying Technology Voucher Programme

Assessment Criteria for the TVP Scheme

  • • Whether the proposed project is relevant to the applicant's business - the project should be expected to enhance the applicant's competitiveness by improving productivity, developing/expanding business, reducing costs or improving efficiency, upgrading and transformation.
  • • Is the budget reasonable? The TVP Committee or the Innovation and Technology Commission will make an assessment with reference to the market price of the relevant technologies known to them. Each expenditure item must be necessary and directly related to the implementation of the project.
  • • Whether implementation details are reasonable - considerations may include whether specific project outcomes have been defined. In addition, due to factors such as the complexity of the technology and the duration of the project, the implementation details should be practical.
  • • The Technology Voucher Scheme Committee and the Innovation and Technology Commission are aware of the consultant's and/or service provider's bad record (if any).

Technology Voucher Programme launched

The applicant enterprise can start the project on the day after the application is submitted, and needs to submit the "Declaration and Commitment" to the Innovation and Technology Commission within 5 working days. It should be noted that if the application fails or the funding is insufficient, the government will not be responsible for the remaining expenses, and the enterprise needs to bear it by itself. Enterprises applying for science and technology vouchers need to pay attention to the risks. Of course, the enterprise can also start the project after the application is approved, and there is no need to submit a "declaration and commitment". Generally speaking, it takes 6 to 8 months to apply for a TVP.

Technology Voucher Programme Funding Process

If the Technology Voucher (TVP) application is approved, the applicant enterprise can choose to receive the initial grant, which is 25% of the subsidy amount, but it needs to open an independent company bank account for the TVP program. The procedure is more troublesome, and the applicant Be aware of this arrangement. When the technology voucher project is completed, the enterprise also needs to submit the final results report and audit report. After the ITC accepts the final report and audit report, the approved funding balance/full amount will be released within 6 to 8 weeks (if there is no initial payment).
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Rm.1005, Concordia Plaza, No. 1 Science Museum Road